Plume by In the beginning you see Darcy come out of a cabin with a small CD player, behind her Jimmy, Billy , James follow. In James hands he is a small dog. Darcy puts down the player, she bends down as if she is plugging it in, and puts in the Pisces Iscariot album she rests the album ontop of the player. All this time no sound is heard except the sound of birds chirping. At the starting riff, you see Billy sitting down, James starts to stick popsicle sticks together with some glue, Jimmy starts to pour green dye into a small pan. "Oh yeah, another day " Billy sings while rocking on a chair. "Oh yeah, gotta play " Billy is looking at James's small dog run around. "What it is" You see Darcy opening a bag of jelly beans into a bowl, then the screen turns to Jimmy pouring purple dye into another pan. "It never was " You see Billy get up from the chair, then you see James pasting more and more popsicle sticks together. "I don't care" Billy steps over a monopoly game bored.Then you see Jimmy tie-dying a tshirt. "To give enough" Darcy is putting each jelly beans into each of there bowls,(greens with greens,reds withe reds etc.) " My boredom has outshined the sun " You see Billy is wearing now a tie-dye tshirt and shades. "It's all down low " James is building putting more and more popsicle sticks together. Darcy now has a tie-dye tshirt now. Then you see James wearing a tie-dye shirt. "I just want to have some" Billy lyes on the ground, the small dog is lying down next to him. Jimmy also has a tie-dye tshirt. "Little fun" Darcy has finished putting the jelly beans into there bowls, she looks into the empty bag. Then you see James constructing a dog house out of the popsicle sticks. During this long pyschadellic riff, you see Jimmy hang over 40 tie-dyed tshirts on a clothes line. The small dog runs passed James who is busy painting on the popsicle dog house " Bugg Jr." The dog runs into the purple and green dye.The dog is now totally covered in purple and green. You then see the group laugh altogether. "Oh yeah, another day " You see Billy and Jimmy walk into the cabin, they pass a calender. "Oh yeah, what a waste" You see Billy singing while looking at stacks and stacks of boxes containing cherry, orange and grape soda. You then see a close up of the exipiary date, it has 1980 printed on it. "What it is" You see the four friends lift the boxes outside. "It never was" Billy sings pouring cherry soda into cups, then you see Darcy doing the same but with grape soda. Then you see Jimmy pouring orange soda into cups, while doing so he pelts some at James, James laughs. "I don't care" Billy sings putting rows and rows of orange soda and grape soda in the cups in rows on the ground. Jimmy does the same but with cherry soda. "Or give a fuck" You see James and Darcy eating jelly beans looking at the others work. "My boredom has outshined the sun" Billy puts the pair of shades on the dog, while looking up at the sun. "It's all down low " Now you see thousands and thousands of rows of the soda in cups. "I just want to have some" Billy and James start to play fight, James pushes Billy onto the popsicle stick dog house crushing it into pieces. "Little fun" Darcy is lifting the small dog up. During the riff, Jimmy is pouring the dye all over the place, and James puts out more of the cups of soda. "Bring me down" You see the group loking at each other. "Bring me down" You see a birds eye view of the ground which is covered in cups filled with soda. The sequence shows you a kaliedescope of colours, making it look unreal. At the end when you here the distortions, you see everybody laughing and having fun. Then Darcy walks to the CD player and turns it off. You see the camera slowly move downwars to the CDplayers is'nt plugged in.