Dancing In The Moonlight by blu28@msn.com Before the words start, show D'Arcy and James (at their present age) asleep in each others arms with candles around them. They both have little smiles on their faces as they sleep. NOTE>>THE REST OF THE SONG IS KIND OF A DREAM SEQUENCE, EXCEPT AT THE LAST COUPLE OF TIMES THE CHORUS IS SUNG. *WELL I PASSED YOU IN THE DOORWAY* A teenage James (17-ISH) walks in to a darkened school gym (it's a school dance) immediatley noticing a teenage D'Arcy (also around 17). *SHOULDA TOOK THAT LAST BUS HOME* James is staring at D'arcy, she doesn't really know where to look, but she is smiling. James walks over and takes her hand and she stands up. The camera moves up too but goes above their heads to a massive gish-style sacred heart mounted on the wall *NOW WE WERE STEADY TO THE PICTURES*In a cinema, camera focuses on their hands entwining(or however you spell it) *I ALWAYS GET CHOCOLATE STAINS ON MY PANTS* Shows James going to kiss her but they both start laughing *FATHER SAYS 'HE'S GOING CRAZY'*James sitting at the table with his family, who are all talking, lauging, eating, whatever. James is just staring at nothing in the middle of the table. *SAYS HE'S LIVING IN A TRANCE*Shows James in backyard loking up at stars, camera looks up at the moon and back down but instead of seeing James again the scene has changed and we see.... *DANCING IIN THE MOONLIGHT*A desolate road with fields in either side, well lit by the full moon that James was looking at. We see a transparent-like (think 'tonight, tonight' vid.) James and D'Arcy(still teenage) walking hand in hand . *IT'S ALRIGHT, IT'S ALRIGHT*Shows D'arcy& James in one of the fields from side of the moonlit road(I'll call it 'Moony road' from now on), lying on their backs next to each other holding hands, James rolls over and kisses her(just as 'long hot summer night' is ending), she smiles and they kiss agian *IT'S 3 0'CLOCK IN THE MORNING*Shows bright lit city street, James and D'Arcy walking along with their hands in each others back pockets, James points to something and they both laugh *DISOBEYED ANOTHER WARNING*Shows them kissing again *SHOULDA BEEN HOME BY TEN*Shows James' father lying awake in bed with a worried look on his face, he turns over and hugs his wife who is asleep *NOW I STAY OUT TILL SUNDAY*James and D'arcy on her bed, D'Arcy is asleep, James is awake, he rolls over and hugs her like his father hugged his mother (until the end of 'it's a means to justify the end) *DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT*Moony road again, D'Arcy and James' flickery images appear sitting in the middle of the road playing a childs game. D'Arcy screams and laughs and starts running(still playing)and Jmaes gets up and chases her, they run out of the shot, camera stays there and the night sky is fastforwarded into day and back into night. no traffic or people pass, although clouds do. (this is until the end of 'long hot sumer nights) *I'M WALKING HOME/LAST BUS IS LONG GONE* James walking the same city street as before but without D'arcy *DURING THE SOLO PART* Moonlit clif by the ocean where an angel sits(Billy, with his short black hair, BWBW Video style). He is watching over James and D'arcy, watches everything they do through an image of each of them that is in front of him. We see(through the image in front of angel Billy) James walking in through his front door, his parents yelling at him, waves it off over his shoulder, slams his bedroom door, kicks off his shoes and lies on his bed with his hands behind his head and sighs. the screen explodes into white, fades then we see D'Arcy lying on her bedroom floor with about 6 candles surrounding her writing in a folder, presumably supposed to be doing homework.(then again, who do you know that ever makes doing homework a sensual and relaxing experience wth candles??) The camera gets closer to the page and we see the heading is 'REASONS WHY I LOVE YOU'. Then it does the white screen thing again and goes back to Billy, where the images are on either side of him and are continuing doing whatever they were doing before. The screen fades to black and the moony road appears where.... *DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT*Still teenage flickery images of D'Arcy and James(I should point out that they are only flickery when their on the moony road) Are dancing, more like swaying. Darcy's hands are around his neck and her head is resting on his shoulder, and James hands are around her waist and his head is reating on hers. *IT'S ALRIGHT, IT'S ALRIGHT* As this is being sung, D'arcy looks up and mouths 'it's alright' only once, slighty off beat with the words being sung, and smiles and they both morph into the present day James and D'Arcy and stop flickering but continue dancing *DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT* Current age D'Arcy and James dancing fades to black and returns to their original scene with the candles and sleeping and stuff. *OH, THE MOONLIGHT, THIS LONG HOT SUMMER NIGH-H-H-T* Back to Angel Billy on his cliff with the D'Arcy andf James images in front of him still, only now there is only one image in front of him and that is the sleeping with candles scene that we just saw. Angel Billy yawns, and closes his eyes to go to sleep smiling. (yes, he is still sitting up, but he is an angel. he can do anything!!)