Silverfuck opening w/lady talking=shot of old bed with metal canopy thing thats out in the desert,with the clouds going by superfast when the guitar stuff comes in,the band crawls out from under the bed,various scenes of James jumping on the bed and Jimmy swinging from the canopy when drums come in,shows Billy skipping down a crowded street but no one else is moving because they are frozen in place 0:50=volcano explodes violently(old looking footage) band members in desert,dancing around a huge hole in the ground 1:23=D'arcy stops dancing and peers,full of wonder,down into the hole drummy part=Billy skipping down the street again,ripping petals off flowers and throwing them everywhere,smiling "I hear your winter"-Billy sitting on top of a car in busy,unmoving traffic,the sky is clouded "I hear your rain"-back in the desert,Jimmy twirling around with a big,black umbrella but,its sunny outside "And I failed your summer ways"-Billy gets up and zoom into his face "And I feel no pain"-looks up to the skies and reaches his arms out "I hear what you want and I feel that way"(x 2)-Starts to pour on Billy who stands there with his eyes closed,Back in the desert,D'arcy dangles her foot over the hole,James runs by wearing a green superhero costume more frenzied dancing around the hole shot of clouds going by the bed again,but this time D'arcy is asleep in the bed 2:30=Billy sits at a bus stop and watches an airplane that is stuck in the sky 2:50=James jumps off a tall rock in the desert,wearing his superhero costume 3:10=Billy skips up to a "businessy"type man that is frozen on the sidewalk,the man is holding a newspaper,Billy takes the newspaper out of the man's hands and rips it to shreads,Billy sticks his tounge out at them "I hear you fade away"-everyone starts moving again and Billy is lost in a large,bustling crowd "And I hear you crawl"-D'arcy is crying as she sits cross-legged by the hole "I gave my life away"-James,in normal clothing,hangs the superhero costume on the old bed "And I feel no pain"(x 3)-D'arcy throws a rock into the hole as Jimmy walks by covering his face with the umbrella,Billy is lying in the desert,staring at a cactus,he reaches out and touches a thorn "And I feel your pain"-Billy,in the city,walks through the crowd with a vacant look in his eyes watery noises=the band are in a shimmering silver boat drifting in the ocean "And she was my lover so sweet"-Billy plucks flower petals and throws them into the ocean "And she was my angel"-D'arcy is crying by the hole again,she seems as if she is angry at the hole itself "And what I recovered of me"-Billy looks into the murky water while in the silver boat and he sees his reflection "I put in a box beneath my bed"-D'arcy wakes up from sleeping in the bed and looks curiously underneath it "When you lie in your bed and you lie to yourself"-D'arcy is frightened of what she finds under the bed and she runs to the rest of the band,they then all walk hand in hand to the hole "Lie"-the band is standing around the hole,Billy throws a flower in,Jamesthrows in his superhero costume,Jimmy throws in his umbrella,D'arcy is standing there akwardly "Bang bang you're dead hole in your head"-Billy is alone in a white room,wearing all white,blood splatters on the wall,James tries to jump out of the boat,band members hold him back "I hear what you want..."-Quick shots of bed,hole,city,boat,Billy jumping around,screaming,trying to get out of the room as blood is dripping and starting to pool,D'arcy is swinging her feet sitting by the hole building up music=D'arcy gets a weird wacko smile on her face as she looks at the hole,she has an open yelling grin as she dives into the hole going down music=the whole desert is on fire and Jimmy is standing in the middle of it,James is floating faceup with his eyes closed in the murky water,pieces of man's torn newspaper are flying in the wind very end=Billy finds a trap door in the bloody room and ends up crawling out from under the charred bed,gets up and looks around,the desert is burt and desolate and the sky is reddish and sunsety,the wind carries a piece of newspaper,it hits Billy in the face and he catches it,it says"Escape",he stares at the setting sun,deep in thought and drops the paper absent mindedly,another scrap that says "Lies" hits the ocean and sinks,another piece that says "Feel"drifts into the hole,scrap that says "End" gets stuck on the burnt bed and drips off a drop of blood