Obscured by sstarr@star.net All the pictures, exept where otherwise noted, are very brightly lit if outdoors and dark where indoors, very clear and a little bit of lens flare in places. All the sea scenes are very blue, if you get what I mean, and I guess this sounds a little crazie but all the movement is really rythmic, i.e. the people walk in rythym. Starts with a wide shot of a small "Optomist" type sailboat at sea, no land in sight. Cut to closer shots really fast until you feel about six feet from the mast and can't see the ends of the boat. At about the place where Billy murmurs "oh", about 0:11, you see a girl with shoulder legnth dark hair and a dark blue knee-legnth dress with no sleeves walk across the screen in front of the mast. Her back is turned away from the camera so you can't see her face. A few seconds and she comes back and starts fiddling with some ropes going up to the mast. She is still turned away. She then sits on the deck of the boat all hunched up, her hands in her face (she is facing you but her hands are covering her face so you still can't see it). "Lost your head..." The picture gets all staticy like Channel 38 and in a second you can't see her. A picture of a green fish underwater flashes breifly. "Now you sleep on the floor." James is wedged into a dark corner in a library, sitting on the floor and fingering the pages of a book. "What you said..." Back to the girl, she stands up and you can breifly see her face and her eyes are closed. She pushes the boom and the boat turns toward the shore. (Yes, under normal circumstances turning an Optomist takes forever and is a total pain in the butt, but this is MTV.) Then she walks offscreen. "I don't wanna something..."I really don't know what it is. Sorry. The girl is standing at the front of the boat looking down into the ocean. The shot if coming from around where her ear is, and you can't see her face. The shot sort of falls into the the ocean and plunges deeper and deeper and somewhere in the middle of the fall you see that fish again "Through the *something*" Billy, sitting at the base of a tree in the park, reading a book. He's wearing a black shirt, yellow polyester pants and has short black hair (so sue me). "Make your eyes open too late." The girl is pulling into shore, about 400 yards from it now. There is another shot from her ear, so that you can see a little of her hair, of the dock coming nearer and nearer. "I be something days away." D'arcy in the hallway of what looks like a nice hotel, shutting a door. She has a book in her hand. Short Instrumental That fish. Bubbling slightly from the mouth. "Thru these eyes..." Static out the fish. James stands up in the library, keeping his finger in the book to mark his place. "I rely on all I see." Short shot of girl squatting in boat and tying it to the dock. Cut right away to her hands wrapping rope on one of those attachment thingies on the dock. Cut again to a shot from a dock. You can see her face, and her eyes are closed. "Obscured." A black fogginess creeps in a tiny bit from the edges of the screen. The girl stands up. We are once again looking at her back. "Thru these eyes." Girl, walking down dock and onto some rough paved parking lot with five or ten cars and a big tree in the middle. We can see she has no shoes. "Looks like I'm hom tonite." She walks across the lot and into a woods. The camera moves around to her side and we can see her in profile. Her eyes are closed but she's not bumping into anything. She is pale and has dark eyes. Instrumental Shot looking at her chin starting from around the tips of her fingers.